On-Site Presentation Package and Fee

Payment Notification

Since you choose an on-site presentation, please consider that you need to make two payments, which are the conference fee and the on-site presentation fee. However, if you are attending without presenting conference paper, you are only required to pay the on-site participation fee whereby Listener is FREE.

  • After having completed the payment of conference fee, fill in the designated Payment Confirmation Form at this link IMDES2023 Conference Fee Payment.
  • You can make payments for On-site presentation fee through the https://pay.aswara.edu.my/ platform or pay directly on the spot on the D day at the Aswara Campus, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

On-Site Participation Package – Rate

Super ScholarPresenter+PresenterListener
150 USD (international)65 USD (international)45 USD (international)FREE (* 25 USD) (international)
550 MYR (local)200 MYR (local)100 MYR (local)FREE (* 50 MYR) (local)

* Additional fee is charged for additional e-cert issuance.

On-Site Participation Package

Super ScholarPresenter+PresenterListener
For the intellectually-curious connoisseur seeking an all-round blend of networking and immersive cultural experiences in the host capital city of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.For presenters and non-presenters who are eager to embark on up close encounter with esteemed academia speakers and industry as well as exploration of Malaysia's artistically diverse delights.For presenters who would like to gain quick milestone in presenting their research - no frills.For non-presenters who would like to learn and gain insights on presented research papers.

On-Site Participation Package – Benefits

Super ScholarPresenter+PresenterListener
Physical attendance for IMDES 2023 (27 - 28 July 2023)Physical attendance for IMDES 2023 (27 - 28 July 2023)Physical attendance for IMDES 2023 (27 - 28 July 2023)Physical attendance for IMDES 2023 (27 - 28 July 2023)
Breakfast until hi-tea for both daysBreakfast until hi-tea for both daysBreakfast until hi-tea for both daysBreakfast until hi-tea for both days
Gala dinner at Sutra Foundation (28 July 2023)Gala dinner at Sutra Foundation (28 July 2023)Conference kit
City tour package in Kuala Lumpur inclusive of buffet lunch @ Atmosphere 360 (29 July 2023)Conference kit
Conference kit

Monday-Saturday: 10:00 am - 9:00 pm Sunday: 12:00 am - 5:00 pm

Jl Scientia Boulevard, Tangerang, Indonesia

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